Wednesday 15 October 2014

Corruption Solution (1.00): Top level Commitment

Top level refers to the leadership, precisely those at the helms of affairs at the federal, state and local government, as well as at the ministry and parastatal levels. 

Top level commitment is one of the major approaches to combating corruption (CGMA., May21, 2014).

This means consistent active involvement, engagement and actions  by top leadership in the effort and will to combat corruption.  In Nigeria, the creation of EFCC and other governmental anti-corruption crusades are examples of efforts of leadership in getting involved to combat corruption.  Well, these do not seem to have been as effective as expected. As expected by who?

By the most impacted of course, the masses, the vulnerable, the honest ones in the leadership chains who shun corruption; I mean by those yearning earnestly for end to corruption.  In a survey of 34 countries in Africa (by AllAfrica, November 13, 2013) it was stated that:

"High levels of corruption are also associated with dysfunctional democracies; those who perceive high levels of corruption in their national institutions, and those who experience it personally in their daily lives, are more likely to report being dissatisfied with the way democracy works in their country. "

Unfortunately the voices from these affected people are quickly responded to politically.  If only the leaders and aspiring leaders would genuinely respond to the yearning of the people to end corruption...ironically, the leaders and aspiring leaders are often deceived to think they are doing enough because they could demonstrate large follower-ship; followers who are more or less compelled to follow as a means of surviving the persistent poverty, which itself is an outcome of the same corruption. Again, a vicious cycle, which can be broken by a leadership that will focus on this one main course: eradication of corruption from our society.  Remember and sincerely that a proper bathtaking would normally and appropriately start from the top, except childish bath that often start from the stomach or even legs...please don't let us continue to bath away corruption childishly by thinking we don't have to start from the top. The tone at the top is very important in this who process of eradicating corruption.

Leaders, you think about that, and jump start corruption eradication right now and watch what our society becomes in few months, not to talk of in few years.  Leave Mandelaic legacy as the first leadership team that fought and won the war against corruption in our society....God save our nation.

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